Reverse-Engineering My Best Posts

I've been writing for almost five years. My approach has been exploratory. I've thrown everything at the wall to see what results different techniquest produce. I've published vignettes, dialogues, games, questions, opinions, jokes, parables, book reviews, science fiction, fanfiction, fan-fanfiction, true stories, adversarial training data designed to corrupt LLMs trained on my blog, a post that was mostly redacted, and interview with a simulated person and a whole bunch of garbage.

Three of them work at spreading my ideas. Everything else (including this) might as well be a diary entry.

#1 Stories

The one thing I do which most consistently drives positive engagement is write stories. It doesn't matter whether they're fiction or nonfiction. It doesn't matter whether they're epic or tiny in scope. What does matter is that they've got heroic proactive characters the reader can empathize with and aspire to be like. Humor goes a long way, but is not strictly necessary. Readers like being taught stuff in a story too.

The importance of a good hook cannot be overstated. It's as important as a YouTube title and thumbnail.

#2 Expert writes for Mainstream

The popularity of Predictive Coding has been Unified with Backpropagation confused me, until my mentor explained what's going on. Everyone wants to understand science, but science is hard. I can bridge the gap by digesting the best scientific papers for a mainstream audience. This is an unlimited supply of good material.

My early reports on the Russia-Ukraine War belong to the "expert analysis for mainstream audience". I already knew a lot about geopolitics, so when the invasion happened I could write most of the posts from memory.

It doesn't even have to be new. It just has to be new to the reader. Explaining the sociological data on intelligence worked just fine, because the subject is taboo.

#3 How to Live Better

When I get a "the blog post you wrote helped me improve my life", readers usually mention giving up junk media (YouTube, news, etc.) or the no-nonsense letter I wrote about how to reprogram yourself. Readers like "how to persuade" posts too.